Precious in the site of the LORD Is the death of his
Godly ones. Psalm 116:15 NASB
I believe often God looks down on the earth, he surveys those that are his. He finds the choicest of fruit, and he says, you are ready for harvest. Come to me, you are mine. Surely that is what God said of Debbie. God said, come here, you are mine. I see your fruit, your life is full of fruitfulness & grace. It's time to come home. You have run the course, you have done well thou good & faithful servant. Come to me. Debbie was a wonderful wife and mother. She spent a life time in ministry. She was the daughter of Missionaries, her brother a Pastor, her husband a Pastor and Missionary, herself a gifted musician, singer & anointed worshipper. More than all these good things it was her heart that distinguished her. She had the kind of heart the father seeks after. God thank you for a life well lived, an inspiration to us all. She was a true Worshipper. Debbie we will miss you.
But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.John 4:23 NASB
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